Classified (2024)

Years of carrying out classified missions with flawless accuracy were a point of pride for a CIA hitman, who relied solely on coded ads in newspapers for assignments. One day, he uncovers a disturbing truth: the CIA division he believed he was operating under was shut down years ago. This sends him into a spiral of disbelief, forcing him to wonder who has been feeding him these jobs. Retracing his steps, he reviews past targets, realizing they may not have been legitimate threats. Determined to learn the truth, he steps out of the shadows and begins investigating, knowing he risks becoming the hunted. Follow Flixtor Action Movies for more.

Classified Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Classified (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Thriller
Director: Roel Reiné
Writer: Bob DeRosa
Stars: Aaron Eckhart, Tim Roth, Abigail Breslin

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