In a gripping tale of survival, a seasoned killer preys on a grieving woman, injecting her with a paralytic agent designed to incapacitate. As the drug begins to take effect, she becomes acutely aware of her body’s impending shutdown, triggering a frantic struggle for survival. The woman’s emotional turmoil, stemming from her recent loss, intertwines with her fight against the killer. The narrative explores her psyche, showcasing how grief fuels her desperation. Each moment becomes a battle against her body’s betrayal as she must rely on her instincts to run, hide, and fight. Follow Flixtor Horror Movies for more.
Don’t Move Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Don’t Move (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Director: Brian Netto, Adam Schindler
Writer: T.J. Cimfel, David White
Stars: Kelsey Asbille, Finn Wittrock, Moray Treadwell