Wolf Man (2025)

Some dangerous events occured when an invisible creature dideth attack the family that hidden in an ancient farm-house. At the time when they are fighting for their lives, the father is beginning an awful change, he becomes a monster. His face is transformed into something unusual, which terrifies his family people who relied on him for protection. Besides the beast outside that is still threatening them, they have to solve the dangerous process of their father’s metamorphosis. The life on this planet as we know it will be different after our father perishes, the family may ask themselves: Are they in time to save him? Or has he turned into another being, who is not their human any longer? Uncertainty mostly causes the fear of death as soon as they begin to struggle to grasp for air to avoid to lose their lives. Follow Flixtor Horror Movies for more.

Wolf Man Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Wolf Man (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Horror
Director: Leigh Whannel
Writer: Leigh Whannell, Corbett Tuck
Stars: Christopher Abbott, Julia Garner, Matilda Firth

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